How Much Is Peak Season Really Costing You?
Using temp labor, managing increased demand, and dealing more returns and loss from incorrect order picks during peak season?
Discover the real costs behind your peak season struggles.
This comprehensive cost tracker can help you identify 14 common peak season challenges and how to identify the cost behind them that you may be missing. Then, see how goods-to-person automation can help you prevent loss and increase operational speed and accuracy for next year.
Get Your Cost Tracker
Download this cost tracker to discover the real costs behind peak season this year so you can get smarter next season.
Test Drive Warehouse Automation
Explore the HaiPick Systems in action in a virtual automated warehouse and see how they can:
- Increase operational efficiency by 4X
- Increase daily throughput by 3X
- Achieve 99%+ pick accuracy
- Condense storage footprint by 75%
- Decrease labor costs by 67%
Check out what you can experience in our virtual warehouse